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I’m Michael Thompson, a software developer from Perth, Western Australia. For the most part, I work with web based languages such as PHP (and typical client side languages such as HTML, CSS and Javascript). I also am a hobbyist game developer, and have dreamed for years about running my own independent game development studio.

I am a strong believer that open source software makes the world better, and try to use it when possible (I.E. I am hosting WordPress on PHP on Nginx on Centos). In fact, I have a few open sourced projects on my Github!

I am also captivated about the universe we live in (everything from sub-atomic to astronomical). I think that the night sky is one of the most beautiful sights to see and am a firm believer that surely, if we can exist on this planet, then there must be another planet somewhere else that can harbour life (whether that life lives in similar conditions to our own or not).

Thanks for dropping by!